
Triple B Ranch

Shasta Land Trust completed the conservation easement for the 600-acre Triple B Ranch in 2014, which is our sixth conservation easement within the Cow Creek Watershed. Triple B Ranch contains approximately 13.5 acres riparian habitat and frontage along both sides of South Cow Creek and Old Cow Creek. Fall-run Chinook salmon are known to occur in portions Old Cow Creek and South Cow Creek on the property, and adult steelhead have been documented in both creeks. Springs, swales, vernal pools, ponds, and other seasonal wetlands are located throughout the property.

The grasslands, blue oak woodlands, and abundant open space allow migration and foraging for wildlife and bird species. Winter range for migratory deer is of particular importance in this area of the Cow Creek Watershed. Triple B Ranch provides excellent habitat and expansive undisturbed areas that are essential for successful deer migration. The ranch also provides winter grazing for cattle. 

We wish to thank Steven and Angelia Boero for preserving this exceptional property in the Cow Creek Watershed.