Newly Protected Property in Fall River Mills!

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With your help, we are excited to announce that we just protected a new property in Fall River Mills! This forever protects another unique part of Shasta County.

This beautiful 463-acre property, now owned by the Fall River Resource Conservation District, is a hotspot for migratory birds such as Sandhill Cranes and many species of waterfowl. This conservation easement marks Shasta Land Trust’s fifth conserved property in the Fall River Valley. When several properties are protected in close proximity to one another, it makes a greater impact on keeping local waterways clean and creating more expansive wildlife corridors. These positive environmental impacts create a healthier environment for plants, animals and all people living in the local community.

The conservation of this property was made possible thanks to partnerships with Pacific Gas & Electric, the Stewardship Council, Fall River Resource Conservation District, and our amazing supporters. You have played a large role in making this conservation project happen. We want to thank you for making land conservation in our community possible.