North Fall River Lake

North of Fall River Lake, a beautiful area spanning 463 acres will now be protected connecting Shasta Land Trust’s conserved River Butte Ranch to other conservation easement projects in the works south of the lake which make up the Fall River Mills Planning Unit. Thanks to our incredible donors, the Shasta Land Trust had the opportunity to partner with the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council and the Fall River Resource Conservation District for this project. The area includes annual grassland, juniper woodland, and sagebrush scrub. Scattered throughout the grasslands are several vernal pools which serve as an important habitat for western pond turtles.

With views of Soldier Mountain, Saddle Mountain, Haney Mountain, and parts of the Cascade mountain range, this open space is a unique sight worth protecting for the future of this community. This newly protected land is a connecting piece to a large wildlife corridor in northern Shasta County, utilized by elk, deer, coyotes, multitudes of birds utilizing the Pacific Flyway migration corridor, and other native species which rely on the land.

Protection of this natural open space will continue to provide irreplaceable scenic views, habitat for wildlife, and sustainable forestry for generations to come. This would not be possible without the generous support received from Shasta Land Trust’s dedicated supporters.